Contact: Keith Schiebel (315) 335-0887 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
From the Desk of Legislator Keith Schiebel
Ever wonder how our County Board of Legislators works? While some County functions are
obvious, like plowing and maintaining roads, administering public health, or providing public
safety, many of the County services and responsibilities may be less apparent but are nonetheless
important when individuals require County assistance. The Board of Legislators plays a vital
role in delivering those services.
Our Oneida County Board of Legislators is comprised of 23 legislators, each representing about
10,000 residents. The Board of Legislators is charged with many powers and duties, some of
which include setting property tax levies, adopting the County budget and oversight of spending,
enacting local laws, setting compensation for the more than 1,700 County employees, and
overseeing of County properties, buildings and facilities. Each legislator may represent one or
several city, town, or village governments and serves as a conduit to those governments.
The Board conducts business once a month, usually on the second Wednesday of each month at
2:00 PM in the Legislative Chambers of the County office building in Utica. At the beginning of
each meeting, the public is welcome to provide comments and feedback to the Board. The
public’s input is a valuable means of communication for elected officials at all levels.
In addition to the monthly meetings, legislators meet on assigned committees to address
upcoming topics and resolutions specific to each standing committee. Those committees include
Airport, Government Operations, Economic Development and Tourism, Health and Human
Services, Workers Compensation, Public Safety and Public Works. In any given month, there
may be as many as 25 to 30 or more individual resolutions for consideration and approval by the
Board. All committee meetings, Board meetings, and printed agendas for each are available
online and are archived for public viewing.
For more information on the Oneida County Board of Legislators, or to view your legislative
representative, check out the County website at: https://ocgov.net/departments/board-of-