The New York State Police has developed an emergency operation plan in collaboration with other state, local, and federal law enforcement, emergency services, and transportation agencies. Our goal is to provide a uniform presence to ensure the safety of both visitors and residents, as they experience and travel home from the eclipse. Members of the State Police will provide security measures appropriate for large gatherings and will take all necessary actions to maintain order and the smooth flow of traffic.
Reports from the 2017 solar eclipse indicated some regions experienced a 100 percent increase in their population in the days leading up to and during the eclipse. The purpose of the planning process for this event, is to address the potential impacts within the North Country and to minimize any negative effects associated with such a large influx of visitors to the local area.
New York State will host a Regional Operation Center (ROC) at Troop B, State Police Headquarters in Ray Brook, which will have representation from our partner agencies. The State Police plans on doubling the number of available personnel during the event. Strike Teams will be strategically deployed to monitor traffic and respond rapidly to any issues that may interfere with the safe flow of traffic or affect the quick clearance of any incidents. Our Strike Teams will also be supplied with MREs and water for motorists that may get stranded. The State Police will have additional aviation assets on hand to assist in monitoring traffic and to perform rescue operations if needed. We will also have Marine/ATV/UTV/Snowmobile and UAS assets strategically located for use if needed.
Concerns for the area due to the influx of population:
- Potential for transportation system disruptions and/or impacts.
- Potential for delayed/disrupted emergency service responses and prolonged response times.
- Potential for stranded motorists.
- Out of the area visitors and potential weather/road concerns.
- Fuel infrastructure may not be able to support an increase in vehicular traffic.
- Gridlocked traffic may result in an increased demand for fuel, food and water depending on duration.
- Cellular networks may be overloaded by high volume.
- Increase in 911 call volume.
- Untrained/unfamiliar people attempting to view the event from the high peaks or off trail without the necessary equipment/gear.
- Students stranded on buses in traffic.
The New York State Police make the following recommendations based on expectations:
- Plan on staying in the region the night of the event, if possible.
- If you can’t stay, fuel up the day before the event.
- Have extra food and water in your vehicle for your trip, shop the day before.
- Local residents should avoid the roadways after the event.
- Have cellphones charged and bring chargers with you.
- Schools are recommended to have the day off or a half-day.
- Plan on being in traffic for as long as 4-12 hours to get out of the North Country.
- Plan on viewing the event from designated viewing sites.
- If you are going to view the eclipse, ensure you use the appropriate approved glasses.
- If from out of the area, don’t use vehicles that can’t travel for 10 plus hours without charging – stranded EVs in traffic will be towed,
- Unless you are an experienced hiker, do not attempt to view the event from the High Peaks or undesignated Adirondack Park areas.
- Climate and conditions will be unpredictable! No matter how nice the weather, the water temperatures will be dangerously low.