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Western Oneida County Housing Alliance Explores Local Housing Needs and Future Development

The Western Oneida County Housing Alliance, or WOCHA, came together to look at just that! Made up of local municipal leaders, realtors, construction contractors, landowners, and investors, this group met to look at past, current, and future housing needs in our area. Government officials from the City of Sherrill and the Towns of Vernon, Verona, and Vienna, along with area stakeholders, were joined by representatives from NYS Homes and Community Renewal, Department of State, Empire State Development, Mohawk Valley EDGE, and Oneida County Planning to review recent housing studies, discuss projected housing trends, and explore commonalities related to housing.

Oneida County Department of Planning Commissioner James Genovese shared results of housing surveys and an in-depth study conducted by Oneida County. That study revealed several trends that influence who lives in our communities and, more importantly, who will live here in the future. Tim Fitsgerald, vice-president of economic development for Mohawk Valley EDGE shared recent projects and developments undertaken throughout the County and how EDGE assists municipal planning. Both presentations are available on their respective websites. Allison Madmoune of Empire State Development, Revitalization Specialist Danny Lapin, and Development Director Darren Scott also commented on available state programs and services that can be utilized in local housing development.

After local leaders shared their comments and perspectives, the evening concluded with a commitment to reconvene in April to further explore housing opportunities and commonalities for those living in western Oneida County. The date and time of our next forum will be posted on FaceBook. For further information, feel free to text County Legislator Keith Schiebel at 315-335-0887.

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